New Mom, New Blogger!


As a Branding and Lifestyle photographer I get to get to know some pretty amazing people. While I am shooting I love to chat with new moms about motherhood and what is to come on this Journey. Being a mom of three children I think I have seen it all and I am sure I can handle almost anything but for me the first 6 months after having my kids was hard. This new mom Onteria West is showing us that not only can you be a new mom of a beautiful baby but you can be fabulous while doing it. I know that for me six months after having either of my children I was not starting a new blog and jumping head first into a new business while looking this good. I applaud her for showing us that we all have what it take to do just that. She is well on her way blogging about moments of motherhood, fashion, and brands like Bitchstix that help women who are victims of domestic violence.

Check her out on Instagram and make sure you take a look at her new website.

Onteria West


California Love


Nifty Fifty Challenge