Nifty Fifty Challenge

This past weekend I headed on a road trip to Knoxville Tennessee. I headed out to meet a couple for a quick engagement session. When I got there I pulled Out my Sony A7Riii and my 50mm and decided that instead of working the whole day clinging to my favorite lenses which are the 85mm or the 24-70mm I would Love my 50mm. I love my 85mm lens and it was so hard not pulling that lens out. This entire session was shot using my 50mm 1.8. and I am so glad I  decided to dig the lens out of my Kelly Moore bag and show it some love. I was able to get everything I needed and then some. I was so excited I edited the entire session and here are a few that show the full range of the 50mm. 


So now I want to challenge other photographers to do the same. Take the 50mm lens and shoot an entire session from beginning to end and see what you come up with. Or if that is your usual go to lens then challenge yourself even further and use that lens that you purchased that sits in the bottom of your camera bag and hasn’t seen the light in forever. Use that one and show it some love and have fun!  

Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer
Atlanta Photographer

New Mom, New Blogger!


Curly Girls